Waking Up Early

Waking up early was never an easy thing for an ordinary being. It requires a lot of zeal, determination, consistency, and commitment to put this challenging practice in everyday life. In our Soham Leadership Program, the very first lesson that we all have learned was to Wake up early before 6:00 AM in the morning daily at a consistent time. Initially, most of our leaders have struggled to get out of their bed before the sun rose. But when we were introduced to the practice of posting our wake up time in a common leaders Whatsapp group, we all have started setting a consistent wake-up time for ourselves and began to wake up consistently at the defined time. Though there were inconsistencies prevailing, we could push ourselves at maximum to wake up consistently as it was a superior and prime most quality of being a leader.

Posting our wake-up time in the group has indirectly contributed to an accountability system in our minds and made us post regularly.
Many of the top class leaders of the world always insist on Rising Up Early as the first most quality that a leader must possess because it’s a very tough and challenging practice that we gift for ourselves to carry on our days with loads of energy and harmony. We learned that waking Up Early not just energizes our mind and body but has many perks that it offers for mankind.  It gives us some quality extra hours for the day that we could invest in focusing on our goals or do the most important tasks of the day. The kind of energy that we get while we do productive work early in the morning keeps us high throughout the day. Our first learning was indeed great learning that we could practice throughout our life for an energized and contented life.

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