To-do list

We all were habituated to do our daily tasks/works in a haphazard manner before the Leadership program. There was not a proper order or clarity on which we did our tasks. Sometimes the tasks that were less important were given much priority and were finished off first. The most important ones were ignored and procrastinated. Through the introduction of new practice every week, we were taught to prepare a to-do list for each day and try to finish off the tasks in the most efficient and orderly manner.

All the important and less important tasks had to be organized in order and we are taught to make a checklist just to track if we were accomplishing all the tasks or were we leaving any task behind. The most important and toughest tasks for the day were ranked first and we tried to finish them off first and came to the less important ones. This helped us to always be ready for taking up tough challenges and do more hard things. The satisfaction that was derived from doing our work in an orderly manner was great. It mainly helped the young professionals and leaders who were part of the program to plan their day well and execute one by one according to their importance.

We realized that this kind of planning and executing skills will help us, in the long run, to perform our role exceptionally well when compared to the peers while we are involved in a job or business or to track our daily works. We learned that adopting and practicing a systematic style of doing our works is one other important trait that a leader possesses and makes him stand out from the crowd as he is known for the way he does things and influences others with his works.

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