Ganesh Chaturthi

We, the Soham Leaders, invited the greatest leader of all times, PARVATI NANDHAN LORD GANESHA…to our Soham Premises on the account of Ganesh Chaturthi. As we are inviting a great scholar and leader, we arranged a decorated stool and adorned all the surroundings of Soham with lighting and colourful craft hangings. We praised the Lord with swaras and slokas. We worshipped him for 5 days with powerful mantras and soothing bhajans. We offered tasty Prasad (specially Laddus) to him as he likes them the most.On the last day, we gathered near Ganesha for his blessings, and at last we arranged a Laddu Auction for no money, but with responsible actions and promises to the Lord. We requested him to fulfil them as he is a VIGNAHARA. The best promise made that benefited people at large was declared the winner and they distributed the laddu to all the members.One of the leaders named Mihira promised Ganesha that he will supply home made food to the people who are suffering from hunger. Many promises were made by all the leaders, but he was declared the winner. At last, we together sent Lord Ganesha to his mother Parvathi by performing Ganesh Visarjan. We enjoyed it a lot on this day. We are so blessed to worship a great leader, ADHINAYAKA – VINAYAKA.