Freedom 5k run

To begin with early morning after a quick warm up and the run has begun on the day of the event .The practice for 5K & 10K Freedom Run 2022 was started on 1st Dec,2022 with 300+ students by 31 coordinators. The coordinators trained these students with proper warm up, Running and taught Human Anatomy to them, a good connection was developed between students and the coordinators in this process.The day of the Run has come(18th Dec,2022). All the Coordinators got ready and brought their students to the venue and all set for the Run.
The Warm Up session before the Run was full of joy with the Music and Dance, after that Beautiful and Outstanding Yoga formations were performed by our Sudeha-the yoga team. Then, we started the Run with full of energy, we met new people and all those strangers were just like friends. After the Run we all received medals and captured the beautiful moments along with the big picture of all the participants from Soham and it was a very special moment for the coordinators to receive the mementoes from Mrs.Srivani Garu, founder of , after the event all the students were safely dropped at their homes by the coordinators.Finally, It was all fun, a great and memorable event with fitness awareness , many memories and many learnings…
“Fit body – for Fit Mind – for Fit India”