Book Review-Who will Cry when you Die
Book Review: Rashmi from Team Pravaah
Book Title: Who will Cry when you Die
Author: Robin Sharma
In “Who Will Cry When You Die”, Robin Sharma offers advice on overcoming the difficulties of life , while developing your personality and skills. This book is the third one in Robin Sharma’s “The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari” series.
The book offers 100 solutions to everyday life problems.
In this book I have learnt how to lead a life with purpose.
“When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice” is my favourite sentence in this book. In it, we can easily find the solutions to our daily life problems and how we should face the problems.
“Everyone who enters your life has a lesson to teach and a story to tell, face the problems and don’t give up until you succeed.” The author teaches us how we can discipline ourselves and how discipline can change our lives. He says “Without self-discipline, you will not set clear goals nor manage your time.”
And, keep a journal. Writing a diary to learn what you did today, and learning from the mistakes is helpful. A journal promotes personal growth and wisdom by giving you a forum to study, and then to leverage your past for greater success in your future. We all make promises to everyone for doing any work but we break the promise. The real problem is that when you don’t keep your word, you lose credibility. When you lose credibility, you break the bonds of trust . Honour your past; because of your past you succeed in the future.
Start your day well, take a weekly sabbatical 🙂
We all work in our life but, take a break in your life and enjoy on the weekends. Don’t go with stress , be with your happiness. Talk to yourself when you are alone and, when you feel guilty, learn from children; the right / wrong maturity comes with experience and not just with age.
Not just these, I learnt a lot more from this book :
- Forgiveness
- How to develop talents
- How to connect with nature
- How we should be serious in setting our goals
These are my favourite chapters in the book.
Thank you so much for giving me this wonderful opportunity to read a book of Robin Sharma’s.
I’m sure that anyone who doesn’t know about life, how to face problems and the meaning of life will find answers for your questions in this book.
Once again, thank you for the book. I did not have the habit of reading books of this sort. But from now on, I wish to read all of Robin Sharma’s books !