Achievement before 7 AM
How great does it feel to achieve something before 7 AM in the morning even before the whole world wakes up! Sounds very interesting right?! All the leaders at our Soham Leadership Program have experienced this by setting up some important goals according to their own respective age groups and works. All the student leaders have started to focus on their academics early in the morning. All the young leaders focussed on their goals or the tough project works that they had to handle for the day.
This practice was introduced along with the Waking Up Early practice. The whole idea behind these practices was to inculcate a habit of doing great things for ourselves apart from the rest of the world. It felt so great to achieve little and important things early in the morning when compared to our peers. It was sometimes not easy to achieve our little goals before 7 AM, but the effort that was put to start it right before anything made us satisfied.
When the most important task for the day is done early in the morning, it made us feel the day lighter and carry on the day with spirit to do even more productive works and achieve doing lot more tasks. This consistent practice has contributed to our daily growth and development and we also believe that this is going to have a tremendous impact on our future life and work.