Role of youth in fit India
On the 26th of February we had our second leadership summit .With our previous experience of organising a summit ,we had powerful panellists for the discussion on the role of youth in fit india.We got wonderful insights on what fitness means .We were successfully in inviting the panellists from various backgrounds ,U.V Nagalakshmi garu who is a professional advanced yoga trainer and is the founder of joy of yoga.Sri.Anup Yama garu who is an athletic skater and founder of yama skating academy.

He also won the Arjuna award and won a gold medal for India.Sri.B.SaiDeepak garu who is Olympic Ranking athletic and a founder of perennial academy He has trained thousands women on self defence and managed to break 3 world records.All the panellists were happy to be with us.They told about how fitness will help in maintaining a proper lifestyle but also told how it will help in having a peaceful mind.They had also shared their experiences on how they have achieved in doing all these activities and difficulties they have gone through in achieving their success today.