Our Leadership Learnings
Achievement before 7 AM How great does it feel to achieve something before 7 AM in the morning even before the whole world wakes up! Sounds very interesting right?! All the leaders at our Soham Leadership Program have experienced this by setting up some important goals according to their own respective age groups and works. …
5 Minutes Rule 5 Mins Rule has been an interesting practice that we all were introduced to for the very first time. We all had to spend a minimum amount of 5 mins every day on our bigger goal or the ambition that we had for our life. It made us introspect on ourselves whether …
To-do list We all were habituated to do our daily tasks/works in a haphazard manner before the Leadership program. There was not a proper order or clarity on which we did our tasks. Sometimes the tasks that were less important were given much priority and were finished off first. The most important ones were ignored …
21 Days Challenge This is the most interesting and active practice that excited all the leaders which made them involve so enthusiastically in this challenge. We are introduced to the concept of the 21 Days Challenge to bring a change in our life that we wished for. The 21 days challenge was taken upon on …